Wood Frame House Construction Book. It is the most comprehensive, easy-to-use reference book for the construction of wood-frame houses. Building wood frame houses is viewed as an excellent alternative to meet the growing demand for housing in Mexico.
Increasingly, wood framing is also being used in com-mercial and industrial buildings.
Features illustrations tables, plan ahead notes, healthy housing insights to minimize and protect.
O "Prepared by the Forest Products Laboratory as a project under the housing research program of the Office of the Administrator, Housing and Home..wooden frame house design, wooden panel house variants, wooden houses, single-storey house projects, Ecology, Eco houses, Eco house projects, foundation construction , land works, mobile homes, mobile houses, modular construction, house on the hill, building of foundations to key. complete set of wood-frame house plans. construction progress + comments. It starts at the low level and teaches. Its main feature which basically establishes one of the facades of the house, is an external.
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